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Saturday, January 7, 2017

Ancient Rome and The Age of Augustus

The Age of Augustus
Augustus turned out to be both a strong and skilled leader. Under Augustus a Pax Romana, or Roman Peace, spread across the empire. This time of peace and unity for the Romans lasted for more than 200 years from 27 B.C. to A.D. 180. The empire grew to about 2V2 million square miles (6 l/i million sq km) during this time.

Augustus carefully chose the people who would be the governors for the provinces. Like Julius Caesar, he passed laws that gave more people citizenship. These policies helped create a government that the people liked and that was strong enough to hold the empire together.

Before Augustus and after, new laws were created so that people would be treated more fairly. One law said that people could not be forced to speak against themselves in a court of law. This and other principles established by the Romans are important to our legal system today.

The Romans also were the first to take a census, a count of a country's people. The census helped the government make sure that all the people paid their taxes.

To protect his large empire, Augustus depended on the Roman army. This well- trained army was divided into large groups called legions (LEE•juhnz). A legion might have as many as 6,000 soldiers. Augustus ordered that legions stand guard along the borders of the empire to keep enemies out.

The roads the army built and traveled on united the Roman peoples. These Roman
roads were built to help legions move quickly from province to province, but traders and travelers used them too. The roads connected almost all parts of the empire to Rome. This is where the saying "All roads lead to Rome" comes from. The Roman roads made possible the exchange of goods and ideas from all over the empire. This movement of ideas led to cultural borrowing between provinces.

How did the army's roads unite the peoples of the Roman Empire?


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