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Sunday, January 8, 2017

Jesus and his teachings in Ancient Rome

Jesus and His Teachings
In Judaea events were happening that would affect the whole Roman Empire. A child named Jesus was born to a woman named Mary in the village of Bethlehem in Judaea. For much of his early life, Jesus lived in the town of Nazareth (NA»zuh»ruhth).

Later there were reports that he was teaching new ideas and performing miracles.
As he traveled through Judaea, Jesus taught belief in one God and in the Ten Commandments just as other Jewish teachers did. Yet in some ways his teachings were very different from theirs. Jesus told of the coming of the kingdom of God. He called on people to turn away from sin, or going against the word of God, so that
they could be a part of God's kingdom. Jesus explained that God was loving and would forgive those who were sorry for their sins.

Jesus also encouraged his listeners to love one another, saying, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Enemies, too, were to be forgiven and loved. He said,

You have heard it said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, 'Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.'

To make his ideas clear, Jesus often used parables. A parable (PAlR»uh*buhl) is a story that teaches a religious idea. One of Jesus' parables is about a prodigal, or wasteful, son. It tells the story of a young man who demanded his share of his father's wealth. With this wealth the young man left home to travel. After he had spent all his money, the young man realized that he had acted foolishly. He decided to return home and seek work on his father's farm.

The father forgave his son immediately and welcomed him back into the family. Jesus used the parable of the prodigal son to make the point that God forgives and that people should do the same.

Wherever Jesus spoke, he gained new followers. One belief of Judaism is that a messiah (muh«SY»uh) will come to bring justice to the world. Some people believed Jesus was the messiah.

Many people, however, did not believe this and did not accept Jesus' ideas. Some Jewish leaders disliked the fact that Jesus and his disciples (dih»SY»puhlz), or followers, did not strictly follow Jewish law. Often the teachings of Jesus caused great debate among the Jewish people living in the Roman Empire.

How did Jesus spread his ideas?


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