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Saturday, June 10, 2017

Arab & Israeli Conflict

Arab-Israeli Conflict
Both Jews and Arabs claim the piece of land that is present-day Israel. No way of living together peacefully has been accepted by both sides.

The Jewish Israelis and the Muslim Arabs were already in conflict when Israel became a country in 1948. During one of several wars between Israel and the Arab countries, Israel captured much Arab land. With the new land, 1 million Arabs came under Israeli control. A group called the Palestine Liberation Organization, or PLO, headed by Yasir Arafat (AH»ruh«faht), was formed to gain a homeland for these Arabs.

In the late 1980s the Palestinians began an intifada (in• tee«FAH»duh), or uprising, in the Arab land occupied by Israel. The intifada gave many Palestinians a sense of unity. At the same time, it caused many Israelis to want an end to the fighting.

Many countries, including the United States, urged both sides to compromise.

In 1992 Yitzhak Rabin (rah»BEEN) was elected prime minister of Israel. Soon the Israelis and the Palestinians began secret peace talks.

In August 1993 an agreement was reached. Under the terms of the agreement, Israelis and Palestinians had a five-year period in which to settle the major disagreements that divided them. As part of the agreement, the Palestinians would gain control of some land.

In 1995 Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by an Israeli who was against the peace process. The country, and the entire world, were stunned. In 1996, Benjamin Netanyahu (neh»tahn»YAH«hoo) was elected as Israel's prime minister.

In recent years, progress toward a compromise has been slow. Terrorist attacks have increased in Israel, and Israeli pullouts from areas planned for Palestinian control have been delayed. Many countries are now involved in searching for a solution to this conflict.

How has land affected the relationship between the Israelis and the Palestinians?


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