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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The rise of the Mongols

The rise of the Mongols.
After the death of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, in 1054, Kiev declined in power and wealth. Disputes among Kievan princes as well as raids on the state’s trade by Turkish peoples to the south weakened the state. After groups of princes sacked Kiev in 1169 and again in 1203, the city’s prosperity was ruined. As the princes continued to fight among themselves, new invaders from Central Asia took advantage of Kiev’s weakness. These invaders, the Mongols, came from the Asian steppe east of the Ural mountains. By 1240, the new invaders had conquered and burned almost every city in Kievan Russia.

The Mongols did nof try to impose their way of life on the Slavic peoples whom they conquered. They wanted only to collect wealth from the region. In time, Mongol power weakened and the princes of the region grew more independent. During the early 1300s, Moscow, or Muscovy, became the strongest principality, partly because its ruler, Prince Ivan I, cooperated with the Mongols. In return for his cooperation, the Mongols granted Ivan the title of Grand Prince. By the time of Ivan III, also called the Great, who ruled from 1462 to 1505, Moscow had become so powerful that Ivan was finally able to overthrow Mongol rule altogether in 1480. Uniting the principalities and conquering more territory to the west, he became the first ruler of the independent state of Russia.


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