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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Australia and Oceania History Facts

Australia and Oceania
Australia is the world's smallest continent. This continent plus Oceania all the islands of the central and south Pacific Ocean would fill an area of just 3.3 million square miles (8.5 million sq km). Yet more than 20,000 islands make up the watery region of Oceania.

Australia is the only continent that holds just one country also called Australia. Its name means "southern land," and its nickname is "the land down under."
The population of Australia is unevenly spread. The coastal plain in the east is very dry, so most people live near the eastern coast. A range of mountains called the Great Dividing Range runs north and south through Australia. Today most Australians live in the large cities of Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra (KAN»ber»uh), Newcastle, and Melbourne on the continent's eastern coast.

For thousands of years the native peoples of Australia were the only ones who knew about Australia's resources and beauty
Then the Dutch began to explore Australia in the early 1600s. In the late 1700s, Britain claimed Australia and started a colony there. In 1901, Australia became an independent country.

East of Australia is New Zealand, which is made up mainly of two long, narrow islands. New Zealand was colonized by the British in 1840, and gained its independence in 1907.

The other islands of Oceania are usually divided into three groups these are called Melanesia (meh»luh»NEE»zhuh), Micronesia (my • kruh • NEE•zhuh), and Polynesia (pah»luh»NEE»zhuh). All are located northeast of Australia.

How have natural features affected the location of Australia's population?


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