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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Europe History Facts

The cultures of Europe have affected and been affected by other cultures around the world. Europeans began colonies in the Americas, Asia, Australia, and Africa. Most of these colonies are now independent. Yet the contact between cultures can still be seen in such things as clothing, food, architecture, art, and music.

Europe today is very different from how it was 20 years ago. Some European countries that existed in the 1980s no longer exist. Others have changed in size. New ones have formed as well.

Most of these changes came about with the fall of communism in eastern Europe. Communism is a form of government in which a country owns all property and businesses. Under communism, people have little freedom. Today no country in Europe has a communist government.

About 500 million people live in Europe
though its area is just 4 million square miles (10,359,200 sq km). The continent of North America is more than twice the size of Europe and has fewer people.

With more than 40 countries, Europe has many different cultures. More than 50 languages are spoken throughout the continent.

Some countries of Europe are very small, while others are quite large. Russia is Europe's largest country It covers land in both Europe and Asia. Europe's smallest country is Vatican City, with an area of less than 1 square mile (2.6 sq km). It is the smallest country in the world.

Present-day Europe has many large industrial cities. Among the best-known European cities are London, in Great Britain; Paris, in France; St. Petersburg, in Russia; Vienna, in Austria; and Rome, in Italy.

How has the geography of Europe changed in the past 20 years?


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