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Friday, January 13, 2017

The Olmecs and the Mayas: Migrating to the Americas

Migrating to the Americas
At the time of the last Ice Age, much of the world was covered by huge glaciers. So much water was frozen in the glaciers that the world's oceans became shallower. As ocean levels dropped, land that had been underwater was uncovered. Between what is today Alaska and the easternmost part of Russia, dry land connected the continents of Asia and North America. Today scholars and archaeologists call this land bridge of long ago Beringia (bair»IN»gee»uh).

Many scientists believe that the first people to reach the Americas were nomads who hunted the huge mammals of the Ice Age. Over thousands of years they probably followed the mammals across Beringia.

Once in the Americas, groups of nomads began to travel south and east in search of food. This slow migration of people took many more thousands of years. In time,
however, people had reached almost every part of the Americas.

In their new homelands, the different groups learned to adapt to different environments. A variety of cultures developed across the Americas. Each culture had its own tools, language, religion, and art.

How and why did the first people come to the Americas?


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