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Friday, June 9, 2017

Yugoslavia ,Balkan, Serbs, Croats and Bosnian War

On the other side of Europe, cultural and religious differences have also caused conflict. After World War I, some countries in the Balkan region were forced to become republics of Yugoslavia. After World War II, Yugoslavia came under communist control. Differences among the country's three main ethnic groups Muslims, Serbs, and Croats (KROH»ats) made it difficult for these people to settle down together in one country.

In 1991, people in the Yugoslavian republics of Slovenia (sloh*VEE»nee*uh) and Croatia (kroh*AY»shuh) voted to break away from Yugoslavia. The Serbs in Croatia feared living under the rule of the Croats. They called on the Yugoslavian republic of Serbia for help. In 1991, Serbia attacked Croatia and eventually took over about one-third of Croatia's territory.

In 1992 the republic of Bosnia also declared its independence. Right away, people from each ethnic group in Bosnia  Muslims, Serbs, and Croats began using violence to drive out people from other groups. Sometimes the Serbs killed large numbers of their enemy ethnic group, the Muslims. They thought of this type of killing as ethnic cleansing, or "cleaning" their area of the "wrong" people.

The United Nations sent troops to Bosnia to restore peace. Leaders representing Serbs, Croats, and Muslims agreed to stop fighting in 1995. However, much work remains to be done to form a truly lasting peace. Though a new democratic government has been formed in Bosnia, many of the same problems still exist between the Serbs, Croats, and Muslims.The fighting in the region has also led to many economic problems.

What happened when the republic of Bosnia declared independence?


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